[ES2016] Require Unicode 8.0.0 · Pull Request #300 · tc39/ecma262


ES2016 use Unicode 8.0.0 and remove an additional category.

-    <p>ECMAScript implementations must recognize as |WhiteSpace| code points listed in the &ldquo;Separator, space&rdquo; (Zs) category by Unicode 5.1. ECMAScript implementations may also recognize as |WhiteSpace| additional category Zs code points from subsequent editions of the Unicode Standard.</p>
+    <p>ECMAScript implementations must recognize as |WhiteSpace| code points listed in the &ldquo;Separator, space&rdquo; (Zs) category.</p>

It means that ES2016 make U+180E out of whitepace.

eval("1\u180E===1"); // throw exception in ES2016
// SyntaxError: illegal character in ES2016
// `true` in ES2015

This change has included in ES2016 Draft 2016-02-15.

@mathiasbynens’s regexpu library already followed this change.

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