The changes of proposal’s status @ 59th meeting of Ecma TC39.
Proposal | Stage |
Change Number.parseInt/parseFloat to not coerce null/undefined/NaN(no repo) | NaN->1 |
Binary AST | 0->1 |
Symbol.prototype.description |
0->1 |
Array.prototype.flat{Map,ten} | 0->1 |
Throw expressions | 0->1 |
Private methods and accessors | 0->2 |
Unified class features | 0->2 |
export * as ns from "mod"; statements |
1->2 |
Intl.RelativeTimeFormat |
1->2 |
Optional catch binding | 0->3 |
Class Fields | 2->3 |
Promise.prototype.finally |
2->3 |
BigInt | 2->3 |
Other proposal’s staus
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